Tandem BASE JUMPING is an extreme, strong, and unique experience, realizable only with us!
If you want to feel the amazing adrenalin of a BASE jump, and you are really motivated in doing it, this is the only way to do it!
With Tandem BASE, you have the possibility of jumping from a fixed platform, such as a mountain, a bridge etc. without the need of having any experience in skydiving, thanks to the guide and ability of Maurizio Di Palma and his staff.
During this experience you will be living in first person the emotions felt by any BASE jumper when performing the lap into the air. Now you can do it too, if you want!
Tandem BASE is born from the partnership with Tandem BASE LLC. a project ideated, developed, and owned, by Sean Chuma, pioneer of Tandem BASE.
Tandem base is a brand new experience, an extraordinary opportunity to live a genuine BASE JUMP. You will feel the same thrill of a base jumper before and after leaving the ground at the exit point.Exactly as a base jumper you will jump from a fixed structure. (building, antenna, span, earth) In order attend this amazing experience you will be trained for every single stage : approaching, exit positioning, jumping, landing.You will be connected to a custom designed harness attached to your tandem pilot who will guides you though the whole jump from exit ,then base jumping, canopy piloting and soft landing.


Tandem Base and base jumping is performed from a fixed structure or cliff. Due to technical and safety reasons Tandem jumping requires the highest standard in choosing the right exit from which you can jump.
Currently you can experience your tandem base from only 2 places in the world:
Monte Brento
Well known and popular to international BASE jumpers, Monte Brento is a natural and perfect place to experience a base jump as his morphology allows this discipline to be easily performed.
The experience starts with a 30 minutes walk through an amazing wood path. Approaching the exit point you will have a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains, Sarca river valley and the Garda lake. Exit point is based at 1200 meters from the landing area. A custom made platform is positioned next to the becco dell’aquila (eagle beak) to have a comfortable potion and be ready to jump. Landing is expected to be nice and easy as the designated area is flat and soft.
Do I need any particular experience?No previous experience of parachuting or other sports is required to jump in TandemBASE. A general good psycho-physical health is the only needed requirement. We think of everything else!
Is a TandemBASE jump safe?In the BASE jump world, the TandemBASE jump is the safest way to approach this activity. The jumps are made with a system of static line, the opening of the parachute is automatic. The parachute opens following a precise sequence which is guaranteed not by a double, but a triple safety system. It's practically impossible for a parachute not to open!
What do I have to wear and take with me?Comfy outfit, we suggest long trousers and trekking shoes. We will provide a helmet, harness, videocamera (or cam) and all the necessary technical equipment used while jumping.
What is the minimum age to be allowed to jump in TandemBASE?You must be 18 years old.
Are there any weight or height limits?The maximum weight is 95 kg; no height limits.
Can I jump on my own?TandemBASE, by its very nature, is a jump to be made with an licensed instructor. If you are interested in approaching Base jump by yourself, we will let you know how to reach your goal in a very detailed way. We will advice a skydiving centre where you can take your first steps in the world of skydiving, so that you will be able to come back to us once you will be experienced enough to join one of the courses offered by BrentoBASEschool.
What happens if I give up once arrived at the jump point?No worries, we will simply go back. But we are sure that, once you arrive at the jump point, you will be looking forward to experiencing one of the most powerful emotions you can ever feel. We will help and encourage you to make that move, but the final decision is only yours. We will respect it, whatever it is.
Will I be refunded if I don't jump?Yes, you will be totally refunded
Will I be refunded if I don't show up at the meeting point?The deposit will be valid for one year since the date of payment. During this period of time you are allowed to change the date of your jump in any moment or, if you change your mind, you will be able to gift the jump to a friend of yours.
Will I be refunded in case of bad weather?Yes, you will be totally refunded or, if you want you can fix another day for your jump.
When are the jumps performed?The jumps are made every day of the year from 15th March to 15th December. It is essential to consider the weather conditions when it comes to flying. That's why the jumps are usually performed in the mornings, in any case no later than 02:00 pm due to the local winds which are too strong after a certain hour.
Can I trust my pilot TandemBASE?We suggest your referring to page Team (Mettere il link che riporta alla pagina del sito "Team") where you can find Maurizio di Palma's bio. But if you are not entirely convinced of Maurizio di Palma’s experience, search on the Net and you will definitely find out who you are about to entrust yourself to. If you are still in doubt, do not hesitate to contact him by phone or on videocall for any further information. Maurizio di Palma (+39) 3477908050
Can I get a voucher for a gift?We can provide a voucher for the one you want to give a really original gift to.